
In praise of being Half-assed!

In praise of being half-assed. No body wants to be half- assed. Everyone wants to be able to finish what they start and maybe even go above and beyond. But what happens when you don't have time to give it your all? What if you are only able to get started?   These are thoughts I had on a run after talking to a friend recently about how to handle the feelings she has of "I don't have the time to do my full workout, so what is the point of doing any of it?"   This is a perfectly reasonable feeling for say, changing the oil in your car. If you can't get the oil back in the car before you have to use it again, you had better wait a day. But what about washing a load of laundry instead of waiting until you have time to wash several loads of laundry? Isn't it better to have a few items of clean clothing instead of all dirty clothes?   Let's think about this in a business sense. If you have a goal to make 10% profit for the month and you are only

Human Race Recap

One thing I enjoy doing when I start preparing for a race, whether it be preparing to sign up for a race or to keep the motivation up for the training, is to read the race experiences of other people. I scour the web for race recaps and blog posts. I don't usually research shorter races but I think it will be fun to keep a journal of the races I have run. On Saturday I ran the Human Race 5k in Fort Collins, CO. The tagline of  the event is "Man vs Machine" so the Fort Collins Municipal Railway gets out one of the old trollies and drives it up and down Mountain Avenue. If you run the 5k faster than the trolley then you win a commemorative t shirt. I want one. The race starts on Mountain Avenue and runs west approximately 1.5 miles before you turn around and return to the finish which is just a tad further than the start on Howes Avenue. Probably about 0.1 miles further :) Not only is the course shaded by the big, gorgeous trees that line Mountain Avenue but you also g

What is a momster?

What is a Momster? Simply put it is part mom and part monster. But I am guess that you figured that one out on your own. I have been thinking about my exact definition since starting this little adventure and I don't have an answer. Some days my momster moments are outward expressions of frustrations. Other days I manage to keep from exploding but the inside is very much monster like. As I was formulating my definition in my head, probably during some run, I decided that I was just recalling times that I was upset with my children or upset with myself for being upset with them. Those are unhealthy and unproductive feelings. So I nearly scrapped this whole bloggy thing. But I have decided that I will take a little more time to come up with my definition and  in the interim, give you, Dear Reader, some lame content. Momster: A self portrait by me. Don't laugh I used the mouse pad on my laptop. Oh go on and laugh. After all it is the best medicine. What is your definiti

Caveboy's Birthstory

It has only taken me five years to actually get the motivation to write up the birth story. Perhaps it is because I am procrastinating another task, perhaps it is because now you need a little backstory as to why I want to run a sub 3:30 marathon. In preparation for Caveboy ’s birth I found lots of blogs about birth and motherhood and like any first time expectant mother I read everything I could. I found Birth Without Fear and was inspired by the birth stories written by other moms. I thought I might just join the movement of writing down my birth story but I never got it done. This year I feel like I have the inspiration to write it up. Maybe it is because my baby is growing up, maybe it is because BamBam is a little bit older and not putting me through the ringer quite as much that I have the energy to write. Maybe it is because I missed out on my annual free slurpee on 7/11 because the gas station near my office is no longer a 7/11 and I was reminiscing how I now blame the sl

Momster's Second 1st Post

Three hundred and sixty four days ago I wrote my very first blog post. I did not publish it for a variety of reasons but mostly because I have trouble with the follow through. Today, on the eve of my eldest son’s 5th birthday I write my second blog post as hopefully an introduction to my first blog post. The sentiment of the blog post is still the same: I missed my opportunity to run today, I am jonesing for a run and I still want to run a marathon faster than it took me to give birth to my first born. I hope to actually hit post on this piece and continue to write more. Writing is not something I particularly enjoy. I don’t even really like reading books and novels but I do enjoy skimming the blog posts of other people. I have been afraid to write, I am afraid to write but it is time to get over that fear. So without further ado: I present to you my first blog post. Flashback to July 13th, 2016 Today is my son’s fourth birthday.  We are celebrating with a camping trip in Cust